Access Control and Automatic Doors

Busy Access Control and Automatic Door department at Doorways...

Fully automatic access controls help create safe environments in buildings such as schools, nursing homes and offices.

Doorways has extensive experience of installing access control & automatic door systems. They also have a number of prestigious service contracts with schools, universities and council buildings in every county across the province. Doorways recently invested in a new app for their team of engineers to drive efficiencies and track jobs.

“Since the merger we have introduced new processes and we hope to look at more ways to implement this type of technology across our business,” said Access Control Manager, Kenny McBride. “Through the app we can monitor jobs in real time while also making sure that we are fully compliant with BS EN16005”.

As members of the Automatic Door Suppliers Association (ADSA) Doorways fully comply with the European Standard that is the code of practice for safety in use of automatic doors for pedestrian use.

Fully automatic access controls help create safe and secure environments in buildings such as schools, nursing homes and offices and come in a number of different options from keypad controls to buzzer entry systems.

Doorways access control and door automation solutions can also assist building owners in complying with the requirements of The Equality Act 2010 and the guidelines within BS 8300:2009.

Their technical team will provide a comprehensive access audit schedule and co-ordinate your egress control, digital entry phone and automatic door operator systems.

T: 028 9032 2802